May 12, 2016 - From downloading games remotely to easily searching for mods, most. Check out this list of Steam features that you probably haven't heard of. To resolve issues with a game's performance is to update your video drivers,.
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I have an adult game in my steam account that's riddled with annoying censors. There are unofficial uncensored patches available which require modifying my game's installation files. Those patches are promoted in the Game's discussion panel on steam.
My question is, is it safe to add such unofficial patches to your steam games? Of course when in doubt, not doing it is the best course but I am just curious.
Disclaimer: Throwaway anon account. Definitely won't use my main account to upvote this.
closed as too broad by arghtype, Schism, Timmy Jim, Wondercricket, VirusbombJan 2 at 14:56
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1 Answer
It's impossible to be certain that any given file is safe. But here are some rules of thumb:
- Prefer official files if available. Some developers of this sort of game release official un-censor patches on their websites, which are usually just as safe as the original game.
- If you can't get an official patch, prefer downloading from large-scale and well-known modding sites like Nexus Mods, instead of generic hosting services like Mega.
- Upload suspicious files to a service such as before running or copying them into your installation folder. This is not guaranteed to catch every virus, but if the file is more than a few months old, you have a fairly good chance of catching most viruses in most circumstances.
- Executable content (.exe or .dll) is more likely to be dangerous than assets (.png, .ogg, .mp3, .ini etc.). But any file could potentially be harmful, if there's a vulnerability in the program that uses it or in the operating system.
- Be skeptical of installation instructions that seem 'unnecessarily broad' such as placing files into C:Windows and its subdirectories. This is only very rarely necessary (e.g. for spoofing the locale so the game thinks you are in a different region) and is a common target of malware. Most of the time, installation should not need to touch anything outside of the game's subdirectory in Program Files (or wherever your Steam library lives), the game's AppData subdirectory, and (rarely) the game's subdirectory in My Documents.
Where To Download Game Patches Outside Of Steam For Mac
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Steam defines itself as 'the ultimate entertainment platform.' Its software, available for PC, Mac, and mobile devices, allows people to 'play, connect, [and] create.' Its gaming library has more than 2,000 titles and it has approximately 40 million users. If you're one of those 40 million, you know what a pain it can be to wait for a game to update or for a new one to download -- it's not the speediest process.
Here's how to make the wait time a little less painful:
Open the Steam settings page. This can be accessed by right-clicking the Steam icon in the system tray and selecting Settings from the menu that appears.
Where To Download Game Patches Outside Of Steam For Windows 10
In the Settings window, there will be many tabs full of all sorts of options and settings that you can play with. The settings we're interested in are under the Downloads + Cloud tab.
Two of the settings here can help increase your download speed. First, make sure the drop-down labeled 'Approximate speed of your Internet connection' is properly set to, well, the approximate speed of your Internet connection.
Second, play around with the Download region drop-down settings. Your best bet is going to be the closest location to you, but factors like the internet connection between you and that location or volume of traffic to that server may tip the scale in the favor of a server further away.
Adjusting these settings will require you to restart your Steam client before the changes come into effect. Hopefully you'll notice faster download speeds after the restart. If there's no change -- or worse, your connection seems slower -- play around more with the download region setting until you find a reliable, low-traffic server.
Where To Download Game Patches Outside Of Steam For Pc
(Via Wonder How To) Final fantasy x piano collection.
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